card games experience center, News and Updates

Our eco-campaign with Only Cans

Gepubliceerd: 30.05.2023

Calling all eco-conscious gamers and enthusiasts!
Introducing "Only Cans" - our incredible can collection system that not only helps the environment but also gives you a chance to win big at our end of the year tournament! We believe in the power of recycling, so we're launching this exciting initiative to make a positive impact and reward our amazing community. Here's how it works: simply donate your empty drink cans at our store throughout the year. Together, we'll turn them into something extraordinary!
Your donated cans will be responsibly recycled, and at the end of the year, the funds we raise will be transformed into epic prize money for our highly anticipated tournament! It's a win-win situation – you help protect the planet while competing for fantastic rewards!
By participating in "Only Cans," you not only contribute to a greener future but also become part of our mission to create positive change in the gaming community. Together, let's raise awareness, show the world what we can achieve, and make a difference!

#OnlyCans #RecycleForRewards #GamingCommunity #EcoFriendlyGaming #MakeADifference #mtg #tcg #tcgcards